Ramona Reichenbach

Ramona Reichenbach

Company: Novartis AG

Job title: Head of MACoE


Fire-Side Discussion: Harmonising European Regulations & Approaches to Compassionate Use Programs 9:00 am

Providing an overview of alternative Pre-Approval Access pathways in Europe Exploring the potential for harmonizing rules across European countries and compare company practices and requirements in managing access Comparing the different requirements/criteria of individual patient programs versus larger group programs and the use of commercial material from different countries Analysing the challenges of cross-indication and…Read more

day: Conference Day One

Establishing a Robust Forecasting Model for Anticipating Request Volume 3:00 pm

Identifying the critical information needed to feed into the model for accurate forecasting Exploring existing algorithms that can effectively predict patient request volume Examining the model’s accuracy and the essential variables that contribute to its precision. Determining which stakeholders can leverage the model for improved planning and decision-makingRead more

day: Pre-Conference Day Blue Track - Afternoon

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